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Condition Specific Nutrition – Fibrocystic Breast Disease

Updated: Feb 19, 2024


FBD is a benign condition – not even a disease – that causes lumps and cysts to develop in breast tissue. Cysts are fluid-filled pockets; lumps are solid masses. These developments can lead to inflammation, causing the breast to swell and become painful. The pain can range from mild to severe. FBD is very common, occurring in perhaps 40% of women prior to menopause.

FBD is part of the premenstrual syndrome because it is the result of hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle. Like PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome), FBD results from a high ratio of estrogen to progesterone, as well as from the presence of prolactin, the milk- producing hormone. These hormones stimulate cells in the milk pucts of the breast.

Fibrocystic breast disease is cyclic like PMS. Lumps tend to develop in the days prior to the onset of menstruation, and they usually diminish soon afterward. FBD does not usually occur in women after menopause.

The lumps associated with FBD are benign – that is, they are not cancerous. However, FBD is considered a risk factor for breast cancer. Because FBD is associated with the menstrual cycle, the same dietary supplement strategy used for PMS is in order for the breast tenderness. Low thyroid function also appears to play a role in FBD. The solution is Rhythm by Modexus, a holistic combination of traditional herbal knowledge and today’s cutting edge nutritional technology that provides a highly specialized and targeted nutrition that is safe, effective, and affordable for women of all ages.

These are the opinions of Dr. Charles A. Rouse, Jr., Member of Modexus PRC, Founder of The Medicine Man and Doctor Rouse Naturals, LLC. His views are based on his knowledge, experience, research, and training as to the safety, effectiveness, and accuracy of information concerning the mentioned nutritional items. These recommendations have not been reviewed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and should not be construed as personal medical advice or instruction. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this writing. Readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being.

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